Affordable place to live for a newcomer

Hi, we are a group of 3 people moving to Japan for our jobs. The company we are going to work for is not covering our initial expenses ie. We will have to pay out of pocket for our first month (later we will be able to cover expenses through salary).

Now, as prices for hotels, Airbnb etc are very high, I was wondering if there are any alternative options to stay at an affordable price. For example, the few Airbnb’s we saw had per night charges of $150 (so it comes as $50 per person) and above only.

I was hoping to find accommodation for something like $20/ night per person. Please tell if that’s completely unreasonable.

Location: not that picky but would be better if it is close to setagaya or at least close to a metro station

  1. That’s 3000 JPY a night. That is… very cheap. Places such as [this one]( may have some specials that may bring the prices into these levels. You could also look for long stays in the cheap hostels near Minamisenju (you’ll be over an hour to Setagaya though).

  2. You’ll be sharing a room with others in a bunk/dorm for that price, thats mega low. setagaya can be pricey. if you venture out and could pool together for a room in a share house (if you are happy to share with your colleagues). Checkout Sakura house and oak house.

    Just from personal experience, get a liveable accommodation. Maybe save more before you go, Tokyo can be expensive until you’re used to it, and you risk extra stress if you end up in a shithole while trying to get used to it

  3. If this is any other field besides esl then your company should offer a relocation package and the fact that they aren’t is a huge red flag.

    If it is esl, then that’s par for the course unfortunately.

  4. If it’s for a month or two tops I’d consider find a well reviewed hostel with private rooms, maybe share a twin room with a mate for the month to half expenditure. Pick one that reviews say is ‘nice, relaxing, cosy, chill’ etc not a lively place. Look at photos for one with a nice shared common area where you can get some productivity work done on a laptop etc.

    Call or email them and try negotiate a longer term booking price.

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