Recommendations for language schools outside of Tokyo?

Hi, I’m planning on going to Japan in a couple years to study at a language school for a year. It’s still awhile away but the earlier I figure things out then the less stressed I will be later so I think I might as well try to find a school now.

I’ve already looked on gogonihon and gaijinpot but there doesn’t seem to be many options. I also found a list on the MEXT website but it’s very long and overwhelming. I’m hoping someone can recommend me some schools they know or recommend a website that will allow to easily search for schools.

I also did a search on this subreddit but couldn’t find anything that matches what I’m looking for.

The first thing I am hoping for is it to be outside of The Tokyo metropolitan area as Tokyo seems overwhelming to me. I’m not really interested in Hokkaido, Okinawa, or kyushu though. By the time I go I am thinking I will probably be at N3 level, at worst N4 level. I would like to go for a year so am hoping for a school that can get me past N2 in that time. After language school I plan to go on to higher education in Japan so it would be good if they have a specific college prep course. Gogonihon ranks their schools’ courses by intensity and using their scale, I’m thinking a school around medium-high intensity. I want to try learn as much as I can in the time I have but still leave a bit of time so I can relax and don’t overdo myself.

Does anyone know any schools like this or how I can best find schools myself? Thanks for any help!

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