Working Holiday Visa same itinerary for two people

My girlfriend and I would like to go to Japan for half a year. We are from different European countries and I am wondering whether she can use my itinerary and just submit that. Does anyone know if submissions get checked against each other? I will not be mentioning that I am going with my girlfriend and vice versa.

  1. So you guys are going to have the same paper work but claim to not know each other/not be traveling together?

    In that case, yeah they might check and think its weird that two people who look like they know each claim to be traveling alone. Whether they check or not depends on how shady you guys look according to whatever Japan is looking for.

  2. > I am wondering whether she can use my itinerary and just submit that.

    I don’t see why not. Most of the times those itineraries are super vague. Like “go to Osaka and try takoyaki; Go to Aomori to eat apples” type vagaries. I’m sure there are tons of near identical itineraries. They’re not going to compare them trying to find out if people are planning on traveling together.

    Even if you come out and say that you’re planning on traveling together; that’s not a mark against. Couples travel all the time. Its pretty normal.

    I think you’re worrying about a non-issue here.

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