Update: Neighbour aircon incredibly loud

link to previous thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/yeclz2/neighbour_aircon_incredibly_loud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

So I followed some advice from yesterday, I gave some snacks and wrote a letter to my neighbour (few months ago he wrote me a letter telling me that for any problem I could reach out to him) telling him that I was sorry for the inconvenience but I contacted the management for the aircon.
This morning I received a messege from the repair guy, stating a bit rudely that he showed my videos to some aircon shop and the sound is normal, he already repaired once the aircon and he wont do anything else, and he also asked me to not reach out to my neighbour ever again.

So basically the neighbour that seemed previously open to conversation in a letter he sent me, basically complained that I gave him a letter and the management won’t do anything regarding the nuclear sound of the aircon.

I am thinking to send an email to the management company to explain that the neighbour contacted me too and to ask them to officially confirm that they wont do anything.

At this point my option number one is to find a new apartment, but other than that, is there anything else I can do to handle this situation?

  1. Do other country’s subs get these crazy yet mundane/inane stories constantly or is it just us and Korea?

  2. sorry that my advice didn’t work out as planned… i guess different people handle things differently.

    nothing more if negotiation breaks down. find a new apartment and move out asap i guess…

  3. Either call the police every day just to harass your neighbor, or make loud sounds as well: run the washing machine late night, put your phone on vibrate while touching the wall, play loud porn, get a subwoofer… etc. Nothing much you can do besides that.

  4. I don’t know how loud the noise. But the only option now is to move. My advice find an RC building with thick windows. You’ll hear much less noises especially if you choose the highest floor.

  5. I was the neighbor whose Aircon really loud. Long story short guys came from Tokai after two neighbors complains. Brought rubber material to put below air compressor and the loud noise became bearable.

  6. I’m really curious about those recordings you have. How loud is the damn thing? The outside unit being even slightly off from horizontal can cause the Aircon to be very loud, especially for brands reputed to have lower quality/easier to break aircons (Sharp, Toshiba, etc.)

  7. The outside unit of the bedroom air conditioner here is extremely noisy and was causing a vibration on the veranda that reverberated through the wall and made a loud, dull noise inside the room. I talked to the landlord (my husband, actually) about replacing it but he didn’t want to spend the money. I ended up putting rubber pads under the feet of the air conditioner unit and that reduced the amount of noise considerably. When I have the windows open I can often hear the growl of air conditioners from other houses around us. The truth of the matter is, a lot of air conditioners have noisy outdoor units.

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