Anyone Know Where I Can Get Reeces Peanut Butter Cups

I’ve been craving Reeces for the last year. I found some on Amazon, but they are super expensive. Anyone seen them out in the wild in a store? I’m in Kanagawa and will travel. 🤣

  1. I was just in kanagawa a few days ago with a huge box of Reece’s cups snack size.

    anyway according to previous posts they have some ingredients not allowed to sell in jp so you won’t find them locally.

    I got mine from a friend who went to USA.

  2. Can someone ship them to you from the US? They’ll be on sale too probably in a few days after Halloween!

  3. A few sellers on メルカリ (I think they live on the US army base?) sell them. Price isn’t horrible— 12 usual size cups for about 1500¥.

  4. I coughed up the dough for Amazon. No regrets.

    Why did Costco stop selling those five gallon drums of Kirkland peanut butter cups? 😩

  5. Oh man, I brought a huge bag of em with me on my trip last month, would’ve been happy to drop some off! Good to know they’re sought after though.

  6. American Pharmacy carried them for a short time about five years back. I still pass by and check there every once in a while but no luck. I’ve bought the big pack from Amazon before when the yen wasn’t so weak. That lasted about ten days. Otherwise I’ve relied on Mercari when every now and then a decent deal is available.

  7. Reese’s Cups contain TBHQ which is not approved in Japan. A while back Seiyu sold them without TBHQ.

  8. If you have any friends at one of the military bases, they have them in the commissary. My father was a retiree and we would do a monthly trip to the base and buy our groceries. It was heavenly.

  9. I just want to say on your behalf, for every single person who comments ‘I don’t know where you can get Reece’s peanut butter cups, but I know you can get Reeses’s peanut butter cups in this store in Tokyo.’

    I hope you get cancer.

    P.S. I think Kaldi sells them sometimes, but I could be wrong.

  10. I’m in America right now and found a giant bag at the drugstore for 10 bucks lol. Definitely bringing some back!

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