Best neighborhoods or areas in Sendai for an expat family?

We’re moving to Sendai with our 1 year old in about 6 weeks. I’ve been browsing places to rent on Suumo, but I’m curious if any particular neighborhoods or train station areas are particularly good for families.


  1. It’s Japan. Just find a place that will actually rent to foreigners and go from there.

  2. I like the surroundings of Kita Sendai.

    You can leave quickly the city for Yamadera or Sakunami onsen, city center is like 20min by bus. Plus quite cosy and silent.

  3. This doesn’t really answer your question, but have you considered renting from UR? IMO it’s one of the best deals going in Japan. You may not find something super close to a station, but even with a 1 yo it’s still easy to use the bus or mamachari.

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