Apparently 5th cousins can assume a lease

My wife and I just signed a lease on a UR apartment and I’ve been perusing the 100-page resident manual for some light reading. I was amused to note that, in the case of death or other circumstances that could necessitate assumption of the lease, only blood relatives of the lessor (or lessor’s spouse) can do so. Specifically, up to 5th cousins (or 2nd cousins of the spouse) are allowed.

I’ve dabbled in genealogy quite a bit, and I don’t know if I’ve ever gone so far as to map out my 5th cousins. The shared DNA at that point is like 0.05% on average, and you have to go back like 150-200 years to get to the shared ancestor. We’re talking Meiji era or even fucking Tokugawa shogunate.

Anyways, just wanted to share my amusement at this. Carry on.

  1. That’s a rather bold arrangement, considering there’s no guarantee there will be a planet earth in another four hundred years.

  2. The clause is probably there so your distant relative can assume and then cancel the lease for you when something happens to you and you don’t have a spouse or a close relative.

  3. I bet if you can’t “prove” it by koseki, you’re out of luck, even if the people in question didn’t have koseki 150 years ago lol

    I mean, Okinawa (where I live) and Hokkaido weren’t even part of JAPAN 150 years ago, I’m sure Ainu didn’t have koseki back then and probably Ryukyuans didn’t either

  4. My husband told me that chart was about who can stay overnight at the apartment as in to prevent renter from using it as a minpaku?

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