In dire need of a N2Tango Anki Deck

Hello everyone, my biggest problem in studying japanese is the fact that I always feel like my vocabulary is really limited. At the moment, I’m studying for the N2 exam and I need an Anki Deck corresponding to the book “N2 Tango 2500, 2500 essential vocabulary for the JLPT N2”. If needed, I can show proof of ownership of the book! Thank you very much!

1 comment
  1. I did the same thing (bought the books on Amazon) and showed u/Nukemarine proof of ownership and he sent them to me. They are a godsent. Also, if you create an account, you can buy the Kindle versions of the books as well (each for about US$8.oo). I did this as well to have digital copies and sold my physical copies.

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