Ritsumeikan APU

Hi 👋. I have currently been accepted to Apu with full tuition reduction. As I come from an under developed country, this is a very huge chance for me to put less burden on my family.

However, I wish to move to US after graduating and working for a few years in Japan.
Here’s my question.

Does APU have a good reputation among Japanese employers?

Is APU degree recognized in US as well?

Please let me know your opinions on APU as well.Thanks in advance.🥰

  1. The curriculum is average as best. But the opportunities to make connections are there. The ritsumeikan name can only bring you so far, the rest depends on how you upskill yourself within the 4 years and your Japanese language skills. Source: graduated there

  2. US is extremely unaware of most things outside the US, and most people are woefully unfamiliar with many things outside their specific state or city/town. It truly is a hybrid of 50 collected individual countries while still in some ways being one country.

    That is to say, unless you’re interacting with someone from Japan, or who has firsthand experience with Japan, they will almost certainly never have heard of any school in Japan you could mention. The only non-US schools most Americans have heard of would be the most famous British ones, like Oxford, etc – and even then, many average Americans still won’t be familiar.

    Basically, I recommend not worrying about school choice. Depending on the details of your field of study, your experience/knowledge/skills/portfolio/interview performance will all be infinitely more relevant and important for job interviews in the US than any school.

    (There are some specific exceptions, like if you’re going into a scientific field, attending someplace like MIT does indeed make your resume/CV look more impressive.)

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