Foreigners at preschool becoming Seishain

Just wondering if anyone is in this position? For some reason, only Japanese staff gets to be Seishain and get 2 bonus a year (equivalent of 4-6 month pay).

  1. Well this depends on many factors, none of which you’ve included in your post. I’m assuming you’re involved in teaching and childcare at a preschool now. But you didn’t share any details about your job.

    First of all to be a preschool teacher in Japan you need a licence. Do you have one? Some international schools will accept one issued in a foreign country. If not, I don’t think they have any incentive to make you one.

    If yes, are you willing to do all the work of a preschool teacher?

    If yes, do you speak, read, and write Japanese well enough to be able to do the work required of the preschool teachers? That includes well enough to communicate with parents about how their child is doing, and to do any and all admin work required by the preschool teachers.

    If you can answer yes to all of those, then why not raise it with the preschool.

  2. I’d assume that if someone had the proper preschool license and qualifications that there might be a chance to be hired on as a tenure employee. My understanding is that even full time preschool teachers salaries are terribly low and its a ton of work

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