Skipping a page in the goshuin-cho


I received two different goshuin from the same temple today and I was wondering if it would be okay to skip one page (and have it signed later at a different temple, out of order) so I can glue both of them next to each other. Hope that makes sense.

Or would it be bad manners/frowned upon to leave one page blank to be signed later than the two following pages? Would that raise eyebrows?

Thanks in advance! Have a good night/day~

Edit: There’s so many answers – thank you, everyone! I’m glad it doesn’t seem to be an issue. Most places give out a separate page to glue into your goshuincho right now I’ve noticed (pandemic prevention measure, one place said) so I’ll just glue the next one on a blank page before the ‘twins.’ Now to figure out where to go… 🙂

  1. I usually skip pages to account for glue-in pages – I believe it would be perfectly acceptable. I have never gotten any criticism for doing it, even when it’s occassionally out of order. For the most part, a goshuin-cho is a mark of your personal pilgrimage/journey, so there shouldn’t be any problem.

  2. You could try i guess, it’s your book! though most temples i went to, my book was given a number and added to a queue so i feel like the people doing stamps there might just go to the next blank page and do it there.

    I believe some temples also do single sheet stamps you can glue in later, so that might be a way of saving a page

    Personally, i’d prefer to keep my temple pilgrimage in chronological order

  3. My stamp order got mixed up accidentally (by keeping my loose stamps separate) and I’ve never received comments about it. I imagine it’s a somewhat common occurrence. Just make sure you indicate clearly where subsequent stamps should go, especially at temples or shrines where you can’t watch them add the stamp.

  4. you could try putting a sticky note saying 次ぎのページください


    edit:” next page please”

  5. I did and had no problem. Just give the book at the page you want them to do the next. You could also leave the loose sheets in the book even if not glued so they would see there is one going there.

  6. The Japanese thing to do for a blank page is to write the following:


  7. As others have said, you generally hand them the book open to the page you wish to have stamped. If both pages are blank, they will likely confirm which one should get the stamp. It’s generally considered more polite to hand it to them open so they don’t have to riffle through the book and figure out for themselves which page it should go on.

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