I hate full/half-width in forms

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Am I crazy? What’s written there IS IN FULL WIDTH and it still won’t accept it. Anyone know wtf I did wrong?

  1. I hate that too. It’s easy for them to add code to convert to desired charset.

    But check your numbers, spaces and symbols. Ironically their numeric example is in regular english width.

  2. At a previous marketing firm I worked with, we found nearly a 10% increase in form completion rates when we auto-converted full- and half-width characters to the needed format dynamically on entry.

    That was almost a decade ago, which serves to demonstrate the sorry state of web design and UIUX in this country.

    Like the other commenter said, you have a half-width space after the 3, but no spaces are needed here.

  3. Use full-width kanji unless it specifically specifies kana. If you have to enter your name in English, use full-width romaji.

  4. fucking thing is annoying for sure. Have to make it so that they have to feel 和 even when they fucking type a letter.

  5. I recommend using a helper website where you can copy and paste text and then will convert EVERYTHING to the required format. I have had a few forms that just would not accept my input, but when copied and pasted from a website that stripped and re-encoded, it was good.

    Honestly, a half decent website should 100% account for this, but Japan and coding, eh?

  6. It’s incredibly lazy programming. They could convert it all into the format they want on the back end. But they don’t.

  7. Ah yes, the banking system of Japan. The next global financial hub that require full width kanji in forms and that signatures match exactly to what is on file before
    transferring money.

  8. Also, sometimes certain small characters are not allowed.

    If your name is Tim and you write it ティム, you have to write it like テイム rather than ティム.

    I spent hours setting up a bank transfer because of it.

  9. I recently spent about 10 minutes getting my form submission rejected repeatedly while trying everything I could think of to fix whatever was wrong with a supposedly optional field that said it required full width text with 80 character limit, which it also would not let me leave empty despite saying it was optional.

    It ended up accepting full width katakana only for that field.

    The ones that really drive me insane are the address fields that require everything to be full width text except numbers.

  10. My man, you can totally see your phone number and some other private info on this picture as the black marks are not fully opaque…

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