Is 出来る just a kanji version of できる?

Or is there some difference between them? Also, what about 出きる?

  1. Historically, the written form できる did not exist before 700AD. Actually, in Old Japanese, the word 出で来 (ideku) was used and it had meant ‘to come out’. In Chinese, 出来 (chu1lai2) literally means come out (outside). The Japanese used the scripts 出 and 来 to help represent ‘ideku’. It wasn’t until later 700AD that ‘dekiru’ from a regional dialect came to replace ‘ideku’ hence 出来る or できる.

  2. Yes, but when you see 出きる, it could be 出るplus -きる, which is the second part of a compound verb, meaning ‘completely finish -ing. For example, 水を出し切った。’completely finished eliminating water.’ 力(ちから)を出し切った ‘used up all the power; put in 100% effort into something’.

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