does 上がる mean to get nervous?

I was reviewing anki cards with example sentences and this came up:
He gets nervous in front of other people.
I’m asking this because it seems a bit weird to me to say it like that, besides i put the phrase in google translator and no translation for 上がる was to get nervous or anything similar, all alternative meanings were related with rising or going up.

  1. Yes. It can also means to get nervous.

    I would recommand to use for single word translation. You can search for word even while writing in romaji and has exemple sentence too.


    19. to get nervous; to get stage fright​

    Regardind sentances translation I like to double check with Deepl translate, it seems slighly better, even though for this one it doesn’t seems to get it when using the kanji for 上がる but with あがってしまう it seems to get it right.

  2. It means a lot of things. Jisho alone has 26 definitions for the word. Getting stage fright is one of them.
    Don’t use machine translation to learn.

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