Studying in Kobe/Living in Osaka?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been planning a trip to Japan for a long time. I love studying so I’m looking to study Japanese for 8 weeks in Spring. I’ve (mostly) decided to go to Lexis Japan in Kobe. Partly because I studied at their school in Korea and liked it, and also because Tokyo is too expensive and I’ve already travelled to Kyoto in the past.

I am 26 years old and value my privacy. I’ve had my dorm time and don’t want to deal with shared housing anymore. Therefore I’ve been looking at apartments through Airbnb and the school’s own accommodation. However, there seem to be very few options in Kobe and they are quite expensive. On the flip side, Osaka has many and they’re much cheaper.

So my question is, would you recommended that I live in Osaka and commute to Kobe every day? I used to spend about 50 mins travelling to the school in Gangnam no problem. But I thought some other opinions would be useful.

(Also, let me know if you know of a language school in Osaka that is good and not too expensive)


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