Busking in Kyoto

Is a busking permit required in Kyoto?

I’m planning to study in Kyoto next year. I’m a violinist. I enjoy busking when I have interactions with different people.

Don’t know if I will get myself into big trouble for busking with a student visa.


  1. You need a road use permit, details here: https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/kensetu/page/0000223202.html

    If you’re collecting money you’ll need to make sure you’ve got permission from immigration to engage in activities outside the scope of your status of residence. That part should be easy.

    You’ll probably also want to scope out your target area first and make sure you’re welcome there. I wouldn’t expect to be able to just rock up and start jamming.

  2. Everything. I repeat, everything, must be OK’ed by the school. Don’t worry about govt officials, if your school rubber stamps it you’re good.

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