Demotivated by Example Sentences on Anki Cards.

Hi everyone. I have been using Anki every day, alongside grammar study and lessons. I feel there are a few decks that have really helped me, such as the Genius vocab decks, and the ‘Japanese Core 2000 Listening Step 01/02’ deck.

The problem I am having with some decks is the example sentence to help me along with the word are just too far advanced for me to get anything from it. I know that this is subjective and what I find difficult might not be so for others, but I struggle with learning the particular word if the sentence is too complicated.

My question is – should I just try and focus on the word, instead of the meaning of the sentence and give myself a ‘pass’ if I remember the meaning of the word?

It is really demotivating when I don’t understand the full sentence.

For example 事件 (situation/case) – the example sentence is “the perpetrator of the incident hasn’t been caught”…

Do I:
1) ignore the context that I don’t understand
2) grin and bear it until I understand everything.
3) find a new deck.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

  1. Don’t obssess over anki. its nice as a supplement but not the main study, except when you’re actually new where that’s the case.

    If not new, then just quickly get the word and meaning then move on. You’ll learn more from immersion or more examples.

    if new, then yeah, the usual 1k-2k cards along with finishing some grammar guide like tae kim or cure dolly then just shot your shoot in immersion and get actual better natural samples.

  2. On anki i would recomend to use only your own decks. The best way to use Anki is to revise what you studied and not to study new things

  3. Core is meant as a word deck, so I would learn the individual words and only use the sentence to clear up disambiguations in those cases where the meaning is not well defined by just the English keyword.

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