Withdrawing Pension and Banking Questions

Sorry if this kind of question has been answered elsewhere on this sub, but I haven’t been able to find the answers I’m looking for.


I’m leaving Japan next week and putting in an application to withdraw my pension, but I’m worried about accessing the money after I leave. I’ve been doing all my banking with MUFG and, as of present, they are not aware that I’ll be leaving the country.

My work is processing all the paperwork for my pension and it will be linked to my bank account – but the deposit will only happen a couple months after I’ve left. Before I leave, I will be withdrawing pretty much all of my money from MUFG and transferring to my Canadian account.


My questions are as follows:

1) Do I absolutely need to close my MUFG account? (I’d prefer to leave it open in case I ever come back)

2) Will I be able to withdraw my pension deposit from a Canadian ATM? (If not, how might I be able to access it?)

3) How long after I leave Japan will my MUFG account be frozen?


Thank you for your input.

  1. 1) you need to speak to MUFG.

    2) your pension withdraw can be sent to your Canadian bank account (in fact I think maybe it’s only possible to have to paid to a foreign bank account?)

    3) pretty much as soon as they discover you’re no longer a resident

  2. 1) you can leave it open if you don’t mind it being frozen

    2) pension should be sent to overseas account

    3) probably around April 1st when they send out the mail and it gets returned, or expiry date of current residence card, whichever comes first

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