Is this a viable salary without being enrolled in company insurance?

I’m considering taking on a (kind of part-time) job on 160K per month (after rent) with no company insurance. I just can’t quite seem to work out what the national insurance deductions would be and so what I’d be left with at the end of the month.

By contrast, I have an offer for 250k at another company which would see me enrolled in a company insurance scheme.

Am I an insane person to be considering the former? (There are some quality of life considerations that go in its favour, but what kind of quality of life I am going to have is rather dependent on my income post insurance – and that I cannot work out.)

  1. You’ll probably be able to live off with the former but you should ask yourself if the kind of part time job is going to be able to pay through your future.

  2. 160k – (~)30k (health insurance + national pension), so you would be getting around 130k. And each person has different goals, lifestyles, expenses, and so on, so it’s hard to say if it would be insanity, but if it were me, I would certainly choose the 250k offer.

  3. 160k is insane because your net pay would be around 120k before rent and food. I don’t know how you’d be able to survive unless you were an absolute hermit whose hobby is staring at the wall every day after work.

  4. Take the 250k. You will be left with about 190k naked. Fixed salary means you are probably going to be seishain, making you hard to fire.

  5. Whatever is less of a burden to you, and wherever you’re respected the most by the boss. It should be a place where you can keep coming into work every day, and feel less glum about it. I’m at unease with the rising cost of things, including the utilities like electricity which will be dammed by about 20% temporarily.

    You’ll need to be a smart saver with the former, and you will probably be healthier with the former. Hence why the latter company offers health care, they know people can drop dead quick on a full-time schedule.

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