Clothing in japan

Hi First post on this page I’m currently getting ready for a big move to japan living in Tokyo for a job i have mostly everything worked out but one thing still troubles me clothing. I’m a pretty big dude at 6,2 278 lbs. I currently fit into a xl or xxl America might be able to sneak into a L if needed. If anyone could tell me how much would i need to slim down in order to fit into Japanese sized clothes

  1. Hey dude. I am about your height and 40-50 lbs lighter. I have family in Japan and have spent years of my life over there.

    There are absolutely no commonly available clothes sold anywhere that would fit you there.

    My relatives see me and they FREAK OUT and just laugh about how fat I am, and pat my stomach, and just shake their heads. I am 6’2″, 230lb.

    I have gone shopping very many places but literally nothing has ever fit me ever.

    I am sure there is some sort of website you could use, and also some kind of custom big & tall gaijin place you could go, but just off the rack it’s a no go, sadly.

    I think if I lost 40 lbs or something maybe I could find something but the height is also a concern if you have a long torso.

  2. There are big and tall stores. And anything can be found online. Large retailers like Uniqlo have their larger sizes online only. An XXL is more like a 4L or 5L here.

  3. There are big and tall stores (eg Sakazen, see []( for more), but it will generally be difficult. I wear an XXL in the US, which is about a 4L at Uniqlo (the highest size they have), and I’m about your height and weight.

    As for how much you’d “need” to lose, well, based on a minute of googling, your average 30 year old Japanese man weighs about 150 lbs and is 5’8. Lose what you can, sure, but it’s probably easier to just look into the stores where you can buy stuff (like the above) and not worry too much about trying to buy stuff where everyone else can.

  4. Difficult, depending on your attire. If wearing suits to work I’d recommend bespoke. Plenty of options for various budgets. Big and tall yes. Ordering online from OS is probably easiest for you

  5. 4xl at least. Source. I’m 6’1″ 200 lbs and a 3xl is the best fit for me even though shoulder length is always too short and arm length as well. Best strategy, only buy clothes from your home country.

    Edit. I just noticed your weight. Good luck with finding anything
    They have Big Man stores, but I’m sure it provide satisfaction.

  6. If you are in a big city area, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I am bigger than you and go to outlet centers where I find most of what I need.

    Uniqlo also carries large sizes , but between Amazon.Jp, Uniqlo and outlet centers, i’d say you are covered.

    If you need suits , that’s something I have no experience on, so I am more focusing on business casual to casual clothing.

  7. I’m a M/L in the US (5’9″ 190lbs); XL when I had to purchase clothes in Japan because I didn’t pack enough and it got unseasonably cold when I visited.

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