Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 22, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I’m having a bit of trouble with the seemingly simple phrase I saw in a book:

    > ここから先には

    Given the context I saw it in, I think it might mean something similar to the English phrase “from here on out”

    But I thought 先に kinda means “before” so I would almost think this phrase means “from hear before” or something, well anyway maybe someone can give me a better way to think about this. TY

  2. Can I use 奴 as a term for friends? Like “what’s up my yatsu?”, or is it only seen as a derogatory word?

  3. Is いりぐち written as 入口 or 入り口 ? I’ve seen them both but I’m not sure if there’s any difference?

  4. Was wondering about the Masu-form-Verb-Stem + っこ construction. It’s like the Verb-Stem + 合う construction for doing something together but with a more playful and younger nuance? Does it have any other nuance or difference from using 合う after the verb stem instead?

  5. For the particles like ga and wa, is it normal that it is dropped in casual conversations with strangers or is it just for people you know?

  6. **When reading , I met this expression about a smile “ほんわりとした” , but not sure what does it means here (warm smile/ gentle smile ??)**

    **Much thanks if anyone can explain its meaning to me o/**

    **A はほんわりとした笑顔を浮かべ**、上機嫌な様子。

  7. What is considered a solid foundation in the language? At what point do I study grammar less and focus more on reading? Is finishing Genki I & II good enough to start immersing yourself to native content like reading and watching stuff?

  8. Why do some people in media use でしょ(う)when they aren’t using です・ます? Does だろう sound especially rough or something?

  9. Hello, in anki there’s this sentence: これから、より一層努力します。

    so yori means more, issou means much more, is this just intentionally redundant (like for emphasis) or is there something else going on here? (like maybe it’s a set phrase or whatnot)

  10. Microscopic vent: Why is everything so different?!

    入場料= にゅうじょうりょう= entrance fee

    無料 = むりょう = free of charge

    参加費 = さんかひ = participation fee

    What I’m even supposed to connect with all that? They don’t even share a single Kanji to help me remember! Suddently I havce to learn 6 whole new words with meanings that are related, but the words are totally different! This is so discouraging!


    Sorry, carry on.

  11. Hello, I’m a beginner currently going through Genki I. At this moment, I already learned to ways of saying “I have X item”:



    Are both ways correct? Which one is mostly used?

    Thank you for your help!

  12. 私にはベルが聞こえなかった。
    Why is には used here and not just は?

  13. In the following conversation, is the 「~と」ending impliciting「~と思う」or is it somewhat different?  


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