Just curious: Is it normal to have just 1 year visa for those with Engineering/Humanities/International svcs?

How do you renew your visa? Does your company renew it for you?

Sorry, I’m a newbie in Japan. I just moved here. It has been almost 4 months since. I ask this because I dont want to go home or go anywhere else yet after a year of working here.

So for context, I signed a one year contract with my current company now hence my visa is only valid for one year. Is it normal to renew your contracts annually with which the visa renews alongside of it? Is that how it goes?


  1. Depends on your job. English teachers at Eikawa tend to get the shaft for 1 year revolving visas whether it’s Humanities/Instructors/or Spouse.

    As you move up in jobs and get older the visas tend to get longer. A friend recently got 3 years after IIRC 8 years on 1 year visas. Nothing we could think of had changed which is why we say immigration threw a dart at a dartboard to pick visa length.

    The bad ones are the spouse visas with 8-9 years and kids on 1 year visas. They literally can’t kick you out of the country on a spouse visa but still only 1 year which makes things like car loans/mortgages/building a long term life “difficult” (teeth sucking).

  2. Engineer from EU here. Got 3 years twice, not expecting 5 next time, but will be furious if I get demoted to 1.
    Indian coworkers get 5 by def. Must be the “super friends” status between the two countries.
    No offense meant, but it’s kinda bs imho.

  3. The 1 year visa is pretty common, especially at first. I think my first 5 were 1-year.

  4. The length of your visa is up to the sponsor of the visa. A lot of people get a one year visa and a one year contract to start. If they like you and renew your contract they will also give you the paperwork you need to extend your visa. A humanities visa can be extended for up to three years at a time.

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