Chargeback on scam service?

Background: I subscribed for a matchmaking service called Ozen, that will introduce (30 min video call) a woman every week. However, it’s been 2 weeks and their official LINE – the only means of contact – has not even introduced anyone. I told them that I would like a refund at the end of the first week, but they said it is not possible and have been unresponsive since then.

So I called my credit company (Saison) but they said that they cannot chargeback payments that I have consciously made – only payments that I do not remember making can be charged back. They told me to go to the small claims court, hire a lawyer, or go to the police.

Is there a less time/money consuming method of chargeback? If anyone can break down how to file a small claims case, I’ll be very grateful.

  1. Unless you paid a ridiculous amount for the service or want to do it just to not let people get away with scams, filing a small claims case is going to be a hassle not worth your effort.

    The police will tell you it is a civil case and they can not get involved.
    You can get legal consultation for around 5000~ yen an hour, if you are interested in talking to a lawyer.

    It is a good warning post that this is a weak point in JP cards,Far more difficult to charge back compared to US/EU cards.

    Part of the reason small-time rip-off bars can survive for years here under the same name and be profitable. (They would be shut off from card service for too many charge backs in other countries)

  2. I think you will find out pretty quickly that the police won’t care about it at all. Even if it is an obvious scam. It sounds like you didn’t pay so much so it probably won’t be worth paying for a lawyer. It sucks but unfortunately, your choices are fairly limited.

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