Reading material for Minna no Nihongo grammar?

I’m studying with Minna no Nihongo textbook + translation notes. I can learn vocabulary just fine with Anki, but I have some trouble with remembering the grammar. I hate to do exercises, especially since my main goal is input only, no output. So I thought maybe it would be easier for me to pick up grammar while reading something closer to MNN level with the emphasis on specific grammar? I know about “read more – read everything”, but I’d like to start getting used to the grammar right after I’ve learned it rather than wait until it comes up in a book or a show. Even if it’s textbook-artificial. So are there any texts with the emphasis on the MNN grammar order? Or maybe just general texts that repeatedly use one specific grammar at a time?

  1. MNN is quite dense and each chapter covers a lot of ground. Some ideas:

    – Consider drilling the example sentences many times; read them aloud and silently. You don’t need to memorize them but you can get close without much effort.

    – I used some outside resources to learn grammar along with MNN as the grammar book is very brief. Check the Starter’s guide here.

    – The Dictionary of Japanese Grammar set is also helpful (or the Handbook of Japanese Grammary Patterns for Teachers and learners), although the books may be a bit overkill if you are early beginner.

    – MNN has a lot of supplementary materials.

    **The 5CD audio (also in download form) are excellent and might be a great way to reinforce input. They are expensive.

    **There is a reading comprehension supplement that is not too expensive

    **There are two short novels to supplement the MNN vocabulary and grammar. These are not really split by chapter but become relevant as one finishes MNN textbook I

  2. I mean the workbook really helps you understand the grammar points more. Also MNN 1&2 has a book with reading comp material.

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