Can someone help me to break that sentence down?

Right now im learning vocabularys and sentences. And try to understand more of the grammatical aspects by breaking them down.


きょうと に は おてら **が** おおい

The audio of my app cleary pronounces the **が** as “na” and not “ga”

Is everything alright with my app? Or did I get something wrong? Im convinced that it is a particle and the internet says it’s pronunced like the original kana.

A break down would be really helpful. Thank you very much.

  1. It’s just the nasal “g” sound. You can imitate it if you want or ignore it as it’s optional and whether or not a Japanese speaker uses this sound in their speech is dialectical. You are likely hearing it as an “n” sound because your ears are too used to English which doesn’t have this sound at all. If you want to learn more, Google 鼻濁音

  2. from the bit i know, it should be ga, since its a particle for temple. kyouto ni ha – within kyoto, otera ga – temples ga being the object marker here, ooi a lot

    Hope that helped a bit

  3. You are hearing a nasal ‘ga’ which is a historical and dialectal variant of ‘ga’. You recognize it as ‘n’. Typically it shows up in the ‘ng’ part of ‘-ing’ inEnglish.

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