Cheapest way to survive a month

Hello there fellow people living in Japan
I am trying to survive until December with a low budget. Please share your life hacks/ cheapest meal ideas as such.
I live in Ibaraki if that helps

  1. Egg fried rice. Add some negi. Maybe some extra protein like chicken if you’re feeling special. Make a lot. Store in fridge. Reheat when hungry.

  2. Cup noodles .
    If ya need a part time gig just go to kabukicho and work as the dudes trying to get people to come into their establishments.

  3. 24 cans of chickpeas cost 3500+ yen on Amazon. My low budget and fast meal plan is consisted of chickpeas, green peas, eggs, milk, multiple vitamins and sometimes discount bentos.

  4. Half off bentos from questionable supermarkets are gonna be your cheapest option probably. Do that or just onigiri/cup noodle and skip breakfast.

    Would I recommend it? No. Is the effect on health and energy worth the savings? Probably not but I don’t know your situation. I lived off those half price bentos for a while when I first got to japan and it helped tremendously to save money.

  5. I used to eat breakfast at those ojisan/obasan coffee places. It was around 200en for ; coffee, toast, eggs, juice, yogurt , jam.
    That in early morning and wait hours for lunch 😂

    Dinner mostly supermarket discount food after 7pm.

  6. BarReal from Aoen, and their own brand of Strong Zero. Go there around 9ish for half price meat. Freeze it. Buy their 40yen instant noodles, bean sprouts and frozen brocolli. Add some of said meat. Decent meal for about 200 yen per serving.

  7. A big batch of egg salad will curb your hunger. I lived off of it for ten days straight once waiting for my next paycheck.

  8. To list a specific meal we like (and not because it’s cheap)
    Lentils (Amazon) + potato + onion/nego/garlic + carrots. You cook (grill?) the onion, nego, garlic thing first, then add lentils, potatoes and carrots and boil it.
    Couple of dish varieties can be made depending on the spices and how you cut the ingredients.

  9. One of the cheapest meals I can find is tins of Hormel Chili Pork and Beans at the Caferrant store. 375 yen for a whole meal without even the rice. Strange that an imported food is better value than anything else in the Aeon department store.

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