applying for residency renewal before start date with just job offer while unemployed?

I’m unemployed, and I don’t have much time left on my residency, so I wanted to ask this ASAP even though I’m still interviewing and don’t yet have offers, because it seems like a likely scenario, and most of these places give exploding offers that only last a couple days to a week, so I’d like to know my options going in.

If I get an offer but the company wants me to start a couple weeks after my residency would expire, is it possible to use the offer/have the company fill out or give me the basic info I need about the company (like number of employees and whatnot) for the application and submit the paperwork I need to immigration before my expiry while still unemployed, and then start a few weeks later?

I’ve heard that if I need extra time I can go beg and likely get either a preparation for departure visa or a job hunting one, but that if I find work then I need to re-convert such a visa to a proper work residency BEFORE I start work anyway; so I assume any residency extensions/adjustments I need to do can/must be done before starting work, so that’s why I’m asking. I don’t want to go to immigration before I have an offer, in case they want to change my residency type on the spot.

If it’s not possible to do such a renewal or extension, it will affect what types of jobs I can take and how my offer negotiations will have to go. At the moment I’m still telling companies I have a valid work residency (because I do, and I expect to throughout the entire interview process).

EDIT: I have an engineer/humanities/specialist in intl services work residency

  1. This is response is based on not knowing what kind of visa status you hold, when it expires or what kind of job industry you are in.

    You are interviewing as if they can take their time & perhaps you don’t want to seem desperate but you are. Any company you interview with should know you immediately need support to just renew your visa & you can start immediately. If you have a good track record of staying with a job they may not worry about you renewing your visa & immediately quitting.

    Also you would need some of the financial data from the company hanko’d to renew.
    Good luck, you should also go to the info counter at immigration to ask directly like today.

  2. The second you have a signed contract you can get the application going. If they haven’t done it before you might need to give their HR deptartment the guidelines on business type 1-4 (depending on whether your visa type requires it-humanities) and a description of your work content. You have to get the application in before the expiry date.

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