How to apply for direct hire in high schools.

I’m looking to get work in some private schools in Japan, but I’ve been out of the job hunting thing for a long time and have always had jobs through contacts. I’m just wondering if anyone can share their experiences with getting a job directly with the school and not with a dispatch company. Did you just send your resume to the school with a cover letter, in English or Japanese, by post or e-mail?

Any comments will be appreciated.

  1. Former colleague was recommended by the outgoing ESL teacher at the time. It seems that at that particular high school it was common. The contract is 3 years but has been a stepping stone for most teachers to break away from dispatch companies.

  2. I found the best ways are to apply with International schools online. Type in google “International High Schools Japan Employment” and you should get a bunch of different IS web portals to their employment page. Email resume cover letter a picture and than just wait for a reply.

  3. Look at the/a Prefectural Board of Education website. They normally have more information than a town or city BOE.

  4. 外国語指導助手 募集要項 is what I have found to bring up some results in Google.

  5. “have always had jobs through contacts”

    This is going to be your best bet at getting into a private high school. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

    Don’t know anyone? Get out there, network.

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