Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (November 01, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. The following excerpt from an interview has me confused.


    I can parse individual phrases but I’m having trouble understanding how the whole excerpt should be translated. Here is my attempt:

    “The recent live at Saitama Super Arena was my highest goal. It was my biggest dream, one that was once so far in distance that I wondered if it was a mirage …”

    After that point I struggle to translate without making too many guesses. Can anyone explain how this excerpt can be translated?

  2. a bit of an outlier question, but was there ever an English name given to this “dance”? [example picture 1](http://d13n9ry8xcpemi.cloudfront.net/photo/odai/400/32e85dce5a789a8936c7bd7cdb787057_400.jpg), and [example picture 2](https://d13n9ry8xcpemi.cloudfront.net/photo/odai/400/3ac922c13965a3e51cabbb1506fd0b82_400.jpg) where someone drew the Noh mask thing from Spirited Away

    I saw a bonus drawing in the back of a manga volume that had the characters posed like this, and next to it was the words トキメキ運ぶ☆ Looking those words up leads me to results for the song [*Choo Choo Train* by EXILE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCthorsEn-U), where ときめきを運ぶよ is a song lyric, but was that particular pose/dance given a name? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen other characters drawn in that pose before… but I’m not getting much results for fanart/memes from just looking up ときめきを運ぶ…

  3. **There is 1 sentence, which has been interrupted by the character with “…”, and it’s hard for my JP level to understand it. Hope someone can help me to understand its correct meaning.**
    **「は? ……って感じだけど、 実際に体験しちゃったしなー……」**

    Context: MC invited his childhood friend to come over his house, and watch a video he made. That video made her become horny and she masterbate in front of him . Then after she regained her consciousness, she became angry at MC, kicked him in the leg, and started to questioning MC about the video clip he made.
    Childhood friend「アレ、なに?」
    Childhood friend「動画に決まってるでしょバカなの?」
    **Childhood friend「は? ……って感じだけど、 実際に体験しちゃったしなー……」**
    Childhood friend「樹 (MC)が作ったの?」

  4. Hi!

    In this sentence ヤマキチ は 山奥 の 木こり のこでありました。

    Can anyone help with のこでありました ?

    ありました is the past of あります or ある, right? And で is the particle?

    But what about the のこ?


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