What’s the story with Strong Zero?

The Strong Zero Dry appears to be pretty low calorie, zero carbs. However, Nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu, so I am sort of guessing when I read the label.
Also, the flavors are varied and fleeting. How often are they changing out flavors? It seems like every month it’s out with the old and in with the new, like McDonald’s and their sandwiches.

  1. I’m not really sure what you are asking.

    What is strong zero? It’s an alcopop marketed on its high alcohol content and “special” -196C flavour extraction process. The zero refers to “sugar-free”, which means sugar content below a certain concentration.

    Why do they have so many limited flavours? It’s just standard marketing practice in Japan for food/drink products.

  2. It’s like most other products. They have their baseline, which never really change except for some minor updates every now and then to keep themselves relevant för those who only by new stuff.

    Then they have their seasonal stuff that changes per seasonâ„¢.

    Then theres limited editions that are either one offs or come back at random times.

    People love to buy limited edition stuff.

  3. Yeah, Japan is pretty interesting with how often products come out with new flavors and whatnot. In university we had a marketing executive from coca-cola Japan come talk to us and she basically said Japan is a great testing ground for finding out what drink flavors work and don’t work, whether it be sodas or canned coffees. And the ones that sell well may get a chance outside of Japan.
    And obviously it’s not just coca-cola that does this, so you’ll have a bunch of seasonal flavors and stuff. Some things you’ll never see again, other things you’ll see every season.

  4. Get used to the changing flavors. If you see something new on the shelf that you happen to really like, buy out the stock because it’ll be gone in like a week. I swear the stuff I *don’t* like sticks around for fucking months, though…

  5. The farce of the “low calorie” alcoholic beverage, made to fool dumb housewives into drinking low quality “diet” wine.

    Alcohol itself has 7 calories per gram, which is the same as pure butter and almost double that of pure sugar (4 calories per gram).

    If someone has any intention of cutting calories, alcohol is the first step. When you enjoy a can of Strong Zero keep in mind that, calorie-wise, it’s the same as drinking an espresso cup of pure oil.

  6. Is it really considered low calorie? A tall 9% is like 200 calories. Granted, I don’t need many to start making mistakes but it starts to add up quickly (calories and mistakes).

  7. I recently tried the Seicomart knock-off, and it has a better taste.

    Strong Zero is good chilled, the seicoma knock-off is good at any temperature, and has less of a chemical aftertaste.

    seicoma strong remon.

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