New Entry Procedures – Visit Japan Web

It appears that using the MySOS app will cease wef 15 Nov 2022. Instead, visitors will need to use the Visit Japan Web ([]( and enter all the required information there.

However there are a couple of questions I have that I couldn’t find an answer to browsing the FAQs:

1. Does every person in the party need to create their own account and fill up their respective details, or can it be done with just one account? There is an option to register family members under one person but I gather that this if for people such as young children.
2. The system will generate a few QR codes when the procedure is completed successfully. Is there an option to print out these codes so we can show them to the authorities, or are they meant to be displayed on the mobile phone?


  1. 1) I’m doing it for November 17th, only 1 account needed for my wife and I. It let’s me fill out the info separately.

    2) For FastTrack, not sure yet if it will be 1 or 2 qr codes, figured she could login on her phone if need be

  2. I also have a question about it, when entering your given name, does that include your middle name or just the first.

    Their long instruction booklet just shows first but not sure if it has to match the passport

  3. Anyone managed to upload their vax doc via visit japan web? I am stuck at the questionnaire portion. After completing all responses in the questionnaire, it only asks me to submit questionnaire responses for my travelling companion but i dont have any. It doesnt register my responses so i cannot proceed to the next step of uploading vax documents.

    Edit: needed to clear my cache to get it to work

  4. Re: #1, the app says that you need a separate account for everyone unless they’re children or have a disability that prevents them from doing so.

    For #2, the site says you need to show the QR codes on your phone and suggests logging in through airport wifi and leaving the site loaded on your phone. The quarantine preregistration screen has a print button but there’s also a countdown timer on it. It’s not a very intuitive site…

    I signed up a couple hours ago and everything is marked as reviewed now. They do have a support chat so maybe ask if people can just print the QR codes? I imagine this will be a nightmare for older folks who aren’t great with their phones.

    Edit: be very careful with the passport scanning part, don’t hit skip because I don’t think you can go back if OCR misreads your passport number. I had to reupload several times before it could read my passport number correctly, it kept misreading characters.

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