Best age to travel with child?

My partner and I had planned on doing Japan for 3ish weeks before having kids. Since Japan shut down with no clear opening date just before we made it (we had planned on going that fall), we decided we couldn’t wait any longer to have our first.

So basically I am wondering if anyone who has done Japan with their kid(s) has any pros and cons for which age my kiddo should be when we finally go. Open to suggestions as well. He is 4 months old now and I cant really see us going anytime soon with the frequent naps situation.

Thanks all

  1. My daughter went to Japan at 6 and had a great time, she’s now 10 and we’re going back as a family in a couple weeks. We started traveling internationally with her beginning at 4 years old when we did Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands and then Morocco when she was 5. The big thing is making time for things they’ll enjoy and realizing that you might not be able to do all the things you had hoped since kids really benefit from having downtime and especially if they still need to take naps.

  2. Ask yourself, is my kid going to cry and scream the entire time? If yes then don’t take them

  3. My parents took me around 4 months, 2 y/o, and 10 to see family. My dad said I was a easy baby in general, but it helped that Japan airlines was very accomidating. I’m taking my son in April, which he will be over 1 years old. I’ve found that if you do your research on your airlines it helps.

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