People who lived or spent lots of time in Seoul/ how did you like it compared to Tokyo.

I have a remote job opportunity in Seoul, currently work remotely in Tokyo (both western companies and similar pay of \~12mil/year/decent WLB, so those aren’t factors).


Pros for Korea and Seoul :-

\- Mobile payments more common/less need to use cash

\-More digitalized / less paperwork

\- Lower Taxes

\- People speak English better

\- People are far easier to befriend

\- More chicken restaurants (Chicken is one of my favorite foods)

Pros for staying in Japan :-

\- Less pollution

\- Far better Indian food

\- Less prejudice against foreigners of South Asian Origin ( I am Indian American)

\- I already learnt Japanese to N4 and could continue learning it. I don’t think I can get the hang of Korean and don’t have it in me to actively learn

\- Fewer run-down areas

\-More attractions, both nature and cultural

  1. Well, the fact that you’re asking this question means you’re lacking something which Japan can’t fulfill.

    Both pay nearly the same…

    So, I have to ask : What are you looking for which Japan can’t provide you?

    You shouldn’t let others decide your fate, you gotta be honest with yourself.

  2. Pros of Seoul:
    – Korean food

    Pros of Tokyo:
    – Japanese food

    You’re welcome.

    Apart from that: Winter in Seoul is inhumanely cold, you don’t want to be there.

  3. Cash carrying may be an issue for tourists, but with the shitton of QR code payment systems, contactless services, etc. the days were cash was needed are long gone….

  4. You need to be ok with “빨리빨리 culture” (hurry hurry culture) to live in Seoul. For example if you’re waiting to cross a busy street and hesitate for a fraction of a second when the light changes, be prepared to be physically pushed. Actually most will start crossing before the light changes. That’s just one example but it’s in every aspect of life there. HURRY UP!

  5. Korea was fun when I was younger, people are way more expressive and dating was a lot easier because people there are just generally more social. More English speakers, less crowded, urban sprawl wasn’t as bad as it was in Tokyo. But yes, more volatile, more crime, and the drinking culture is no joke even if you come from a drinking heritage. I used to jokingly call it “dangerous Japan.”

    Japan is cool in its own way but definitely is more appealing for an older foreigner who is perhaps better established (already married), and less concerned about having a vibrant social life. Safety, stability, and predictability.

  6. >- Mobile payments more common/less need to use cash

    Honest question, are you regularly using cash here? Where? Plenty of people here living largely cashless, myself included (granted I always have emergency cash on me but never use it)

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