Why are Japanese so particular?

So I was heading to mainland for vacation with my in-laws and wife with my sister in-law driving us to the airport (Okinawa) recently. Everyone decided to leave later and I spent the entire drive hearing them talk about ways to get there faster while stuck in traffic. Didn’t want to obey Google because some “didn’t trust it.” We finally made it but practically had to run to the gate and skip a bathroom break.

Meanwhile my American pea brain is thinking about how I would have done it:

1.) Get to the airport after waking up stupidly early to beat rush hours.
2.) Use Google in happy silence to get there, it is accurate after all.
3.) Chill out at the airport after getting through security.
4.) ?????
5.) Profit.

On the flight I swear the intercom was on talking about something or the other for like half of the 2 hour flight. Like damn what exactly do you have to tell passengers for that amount of time? The seat belt explanation thing took forever too.

We had a great time in Kyoto but the night before we departed, same deal. Wife and in-laws literally spent hours planning to get to the airport like we were planning to infiltrate DPRK.

What gives?

  1. the “why” is difficult to answer with layered history, religions, and whatever the people went through/experienced/practiced..but the particularness and ultra nano attention to things is one of the characteristics of the people. my friend complains that japan should work on bigger picture things than perfecting little things no one cares about. but aint that why japan are the gods of quality shit?

  2. If you are the head of the family, you should take charge of the situation. It doesn’t matter what they say or do, put your foot down. Impose instead of being dragged.

    Google maps once told me to go to a closed-off bridge in the process of being demolished in Japan. Not all routes are updated.

    Judging by the family, I wouldn’t put up with it. I would go by myself just to make their hamster wheels spin lol.

    In fact, I wouldn’t be part of this family, as it would give me a headache in the long-run.

    If someone is silly enough not to go to the airport ahead of time, and purposely get stuck in traffic, **it’s a sign** **the IQ isn’t there.**

    It’s very reminiscent of the three stooges.

  3. His Family, “What is it about foreign men and directions? He doesn’t know how to get there so we carefully plotted a route and he seems to think he should just set off on the Oregon trail. Oh no he died of dysentery!”

  4. It’s not a Japanese thing at all, but when my in-law and wife are endlessly debating about a non issue like yours, I either take charge of the situation and solve it my way or don’t give a fuck and take a nap.

  5. Why did you not confirm with everyone the evening before about what time the flight is and what time would be best to leave. If your American pea brain disagreed that would have been the best time to bring it up.

    Also. Many Americans are late getting to the airport. Many Americans don’t trust google to always have the fastest route (and it might even have some merit, you have never had google lure you to some sketchy ass place or take you down some stupidly dangerous rural roads before?)

    Just because something happens in Japan doesn’t mean “all Japanese people…”

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