A Japanese friend of mine got busted for heroine. Will I get questioned?

Throwaway. Sorry if I’m being a little too vague.

I’m currently visiting Japan from the Netherlands, and I’m staying at a small hotel owned by a good friend of mine I’ve known for years.

I’ve not seen or heard of my friend for 3 days, which isn’t too crazy since he’s got his own things going on and I’ve got mine, and the hotel is currently undergoing some renovations causing it to be almost empty, so he doesn’t have to be around to keep the business running. There’s a few other staff around. I haven’t been able to contact him on LINE. Figured he was just busy or maybe had taken a short trip.

But just now I heard that he’s been arrested for doing heroine at his home, along with some other people. I don’t know much of the details. Just that he’s been arrested for doing it. He’s been in contact with one of the staff members and that person has informed me, and I’m currently one of only three people who know.

I’m still going to be staying at the hotel since it seems staff will keep it running for now. I’ve also listed this as the address when I entered the country.

Now my question is: will I get questioned? I’ve read before that the police have a habit of going through all contacts of a drug suspect. I’ve been in contact with him through LINE. Is there anything I should…*know*?

Also, what kind of sentence is he going to get? I know it’s a *very* serious offense and he’s looking at multiple years. About how many? 5, 10? I’m sure he was only doing it personally and not dealing, for what it’s worth.

Sorry if I’m leaving out important details but I’m still a little bit shocked. Thanks for any advice you can offer.


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