So I actually live in Japan already but the psycho mods at /r/japanlife decided to ban me because they didn’t believe I lived here.
**My Original Question**
How much extra would the employer have to pay that I wouldn’t even know about. For example, are there taxes, insurances, etc. that as an employee, I would never see? Let’s say the salary was 10M for a nice clean number.
I’m negotiating a contract and might use this as justification for a bit more.
The folks at r/japanfinance have a pretty good handle on this stuff, you should ask them
>So I actually live in Japan already but the psycho mods at r/japanlife decided to ban me because they didn’t believe I lived here.
Given your post/comment history, I wouldn’t believe you lived there either tbh.
>Let’s say the salary was 10M for a nice clean number
See, there’s your problem right there. A lot of the JL mods are perma-ALT and other variation of dead-end English sector workers (if they’re in Japan at all), and they dislike people who even accidentally imply this isn’t the epitome of a successful career.