Anyone have any idea why my japan post bank atm card keeps not working at atms

Every so often I’ll go and try to make a withdrawal at an atm and it just won’t accept my card, so I go to the clerk and ask for help and they take it to the back and bring it back out and it works again. It’s some what of a pain in the ass so I’m wondering if anyone else has had this issue and was able to fix it? The first time it happened the clerk said something about the chip being weak if that’s provides any helpful info.

  1. I had several episodes of just this happen when I left my wallet out in the rain. It wasn’t with the Jp post card, but the principle is the same. The IC chip glitched out due to the **water, moisture, and humidity.**

    I asked for a replacement, and the problem suddenly disappeared.

    The IC chips aren’t as infallible as they claim.

  2. I had a few ATMs where I have to try a bunch of times before it reads it. I think it’s just time for a new card

  3. Yes, you can just clean the chip with your thumb and need to insert it without force. I used to do this thing where I pushed it in too deep by actively inserting it. It is likely that is what you are doing. Be gentle and let the machine suck it in.

  4. I’ve had ATMs reject my card when I select the English option. I recommend always selecting Japanese.

  5. Yeah, that’s happened to me a few times too, not only with yucho. It’s to do with the magnetic strip on the card, and it’s a real PITA when it happens. Keep your card away from your phone. Maybe buy a special case for it?

  6. Same thing happened with me as soon as I moved to different part of Japan. It would work during the day but after 7pm totally blocked. I’ve since stopped using Japan post. I was required to use it to save my boss the transfer feee for my salary. I now use SMBC and can withdraw until 12pm and pay for anything 24hrs a day at convenience stores etc. The absolute hardest bank for a foreigner to get an account at is MUFJ. If you try opening an account with them they will help you to fill out the forms and waste 3 hours of your day and will politely look you in the face and tell you that their bank is only for foreigners who speak and read Japanese like a native. It’s embarrassing as fuck and the employees of MUFJ love random foreigners walking into their stores. They have a shop policy of trying to make you look as idiotic as possible. Don’t bank with MUFJ. They are assholes. Their policy is handed down to them by some grey haired pencil pusher old fashioned 65 year old employee that thinks the place for a woman in a bank is at the front of the store. She will work there all her life on minimum
    Wage and in 30 years time she’ll still be serving customers as a bank teller. Fuck Japanese banks. They are deeply sexist and discriminatory.

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