Is my daughter destined to be a dancer or tarento?

Kinda dramatic way of asking what jobs or careers do your grown haafu kids have? Because if the media I watch every day in Japan is any indication, my daughter will be fighting a battle against an army of people that assume she’s some model or tarento or something….

  1. Could be anything from business women to model to AV star. Depends on her education and what she wants to do.

  2. Don’t think it makes the slightest bit of difference. On the contrary, if she’s naturally bilingual, she will have lots of doors open to whatever she likes doing and is capable of

  3. One of the science teachers at my work is a “half”. It literally never comes up. Don’t overthink it or you’ll end up making her overly aware of it and she might come to think of it as a problem.

  4. I know a lot of haafu adults born and raised largely in Japan. Their current occupations range from everything to calligraphy teacher, city hall employee, public school teacher, convenience store worker, seishain in regular Japanese companies, dance instructor, full-time mom … in other words, pretty much what anybody raised in Japan could be doing for a living. I don’t know anybody who became a tarento (unless clothing catalog model counts?), so I think it’s safe to say that your daughter is not destined to become one either, unless she decides to.

  5. I want my child to live a long happy, and healthy life, and start a happy-healthy family of their own what day. I’d rather not think of my child slaving away for the taxman.

  6. Local school’s gym teacher is Japanese/Russian. It comes up occasionally but it’s a non issue. Nobody cares.

  7. ….

    But, I’d have a long conversation with the kiddo before you throw down for college.

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