Asking for learning materials

I’m currently about 6 weeks in learning japanese, i’m using the Minna no Nihongo books and currently on lesson 7.
I’m asking for some other additional reading and listening materials to learn japanese for people at my level or N5 level because most anime, even the most basic one just don’t use sentences I learned from the book. Learning from textbook is fine but I enjoy learning through immersion a lot more.

  1. MNN has a reading comp book that goes with it you can use. You can also find free stories from Tofugu that are N5 material.

  2. there is a reading comprehension book to MNN 1 that are in lvl with the textbook. and then there is “miller-san” novel that are a bit harder (the red one)

  3. Of course they use things that aren’t in the textbook, it’s something made for native Japanese speakers.

    If I were you, aside from using other study materials, I’d use anime as a way to get information about high frequency words like 大丈夫 and 別に, and see how they’re used.

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