I currently don’t have a Japanese bank account and I’m not employed by anyone in Japan. I freelance and get paid into a UK bank account (Around £400 a month if I’m lucky). When I’m asked at the ward office, would I say I’m unemployed/don’t have a job as it isn’t income sourced in Japan? Also, I know it’s compulsory to register for both nhi and Pension no matter what the case! I just know you can get exemptions from the Pension, and any little would help when I barely earn. If not, no worries!
If i get a bank account or get paid in yen to that bank account from any clients, of course, I would update the office with the change, but, yeah, just a little unsure how to proceed.
Status – Non-resident (working holiday visa, lived here less than a year)
Thanks for all your help! 🙂