Living in Japan with a disability

Posting on behalf of a non-redditor with Cerebral Palsy.

I’ve done some research online, but I’d like to get some feedback from those living in Japan with a physical disability. Have you experienced any prejudice from Japanese people due to your disability? Did you have any difficulties applying for disabled services (or simply having access to them?)

Thank you in advance!

  1. Japan is not the friendliest place for those with disabilities, especially one as serious as cerebral palsy. How does this individual plan on securing a visa to live here? I’ll be honest, I don’t think they will be hired by a company here, and immigration is likely to reject the application of someone with serious medical conditions who is seen as potentially using a lot of social safety net resources.

  2. As already mentioned, immigration will be reluctant and accessibility for the disabled is rather mediocre.

    Another thought: If your friend comes here and it doesn’t pan out, will they be able to go back and have access to the same level of health care that they have now? Or can health care now refuse help because of a pre-existing condition, as your friend is now a “new customer”?

  3. I have to agree with u/ApprenticePantyThief on a key question:

    >How does this individual plan on securing a visa to live here?

    While Japan does have some legal protections vis-a-vis disability discrimination they don’t necessarily apply in the hiring process, particularly when it comes to hiring foreigners from overseas.

    Not sure I agree with the suggestion that immigration would reject the visa, but I definitely do agree that simply finding a job is going to be tough, if not borderline impossible. It sucks, but companies far more likely to just outright refuse to hire a foreigner with a serious disability.

    Assuming this person can get a job/visa (or is coming over on a non-job visa like a Dependent visa)… Japan is *really* not a great place for someone with a disability that involves mobility like CP.

    Access is going to be a huge issue. While public buildings and train/subway stations are very accessible, a lot of commercial buildings (particularly older buildings) are not. Japanese cities are very vertical and elevators can be hit-or-miss. Sometimes they exist, a lot of times they don’t. Even when they do exist they’re frequently so small that it would be almost impossible to get into with any sort of mobility aid.

    Even just getting around town is probably going to be a challenge. Sidewalks are basically nonexistent in residential neighborhoods, and in commercial areas they’re frequently narrow and crowded. If you’re in one of the hilly cities steps are common on walkways.

    It’s definitely possible to *live* here with mobility issues, but I honestly don’t think it would be particularly enjoyable.

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