Three missiles just this morning, why?

I mean I understand the actions from N. Korea are motivated on vengeance due to what happened during cold war. I get it. But, you know, technology fails sometimes, and I think it’s just a matter of time before something really bad happens.

Anyone has an educated guess as to what are the consequences of a missile/debris falling in land?

I’m feeling really impotent because this is NOT the time for another useless conflict and I can’t do anything about it. Just venting here.

  1. You do realize they don’t actually put bombs in the test missiles right? I mean if it hits your house it’s bad but it’s not going to level a city.

  2. Personally I think the JSDF (or the US systems stationed) here should shoot down *every single* missile that looks like it will enter Japan’s EEZ before it actually does.

    Sounds drastic but surely the reason North Korea keeps doing it is that Japan’s only response is “we will not tolerate this!” only to subsequently… tolerate it.. over and over.

  3. Well life as a dictator is tough. You have to remind people how strong and glorious you are, else they might start plotting against you. “Look Japan! I can hit you with a nuclear missile at will” + “Look propaganda machine! The evil Japanese are cowering in fear before the glorious leader’s supreme technology “ or something like that.

  4. Nothing is gonna come of it. Its just sabre-rattling from North Korea. And honestly, the only reason they even launch them is because of the US military presence; if the bases weren’t there, they wouldn’t do shit.

    So no; they’re not gonna bomb us anytime soon; they were pulling this shit back in the mid 00’s as well and we’re all still here.

  5. WW3 coming!

    I have been prepping for a long time.
    Get your gas-masks, bug out backpack, flashlight, food, and everything and prepare for the worst. It’s coming guys. The whole world is falling apart right before our eyes.

  6. > due to what happened

    That should be “what is happening” — the current joint drills, the launches on ‘our’ side also taking place, the return of the carrier group (there are 75+ planes on one of those, plus support aircraft, and who knows how many drones).

    I would also suppose that drills like the joint exercises are indirectly relevant for the defense of taiwan, so they’re taiwan defense practice without happening down on china’s front porch.

  7. They do it to keep relevance. For example, to get them to chill out a bit other countries will send them aid or make concessions on sanctions. It’s been going on for years and it works because they’ve basically got South Korea hostage (in a sense).

    >Anyone has an educated guess as to what are the consequences of a missile/debris falling in land?

    Escalation of sanctions ? I don’t really know. We’d have to practice sheltering and evacuating?

  8. I wouldn’t worry. The first time NK actually strikes a US ally, they will be pounded into dust. Their only hope is to give off the impression they are crazy enough to actually do it.

  9. For what happened during the cold war? My dude I think you need to look more into the Japanese/Korean history if you think that’s the reason.

  10. 25 yesterday, including shots the closest they’ve been to South Korea since the war.

    Winter’s coming and they had another shit harvest, it’s saber rattling for aid.

  11. He does it to be cock of the walk in his own country. That’s what they do. He can tell his minions that they will reach the United States one day. “In fact,” he must say, “notice how the U.S. does nothing to stop their missiles! North Korea is the strongest country in the world!”
    In reality, I would love to know how many hours his missile would have to be in the air just to reach California. An airplane takes, what, 10 hours? He is just tryna look cool to his peeps. Probably works, too.

  12. It’s a show of force meant to remind that they can retaliate. There’s no way in hell they will attack. It’s not about revenge, it’s about retaining powet

  13. Baby Kim gets upset when he isn’t paid enough attention and right now all the focus is on Putin’s shenanigans.

    The current US prez also doesn’t suck on Kim’s PP like last guy did which is also contributing to the tantrum.

  14. I don’t know what the point is maybe they’re just bluffing about even having real nuclear warheads, they’re just shooting the ocean and being a complete waste of time and money

  15. Nothing will happen except a lot of news clips, politicians and people talking about it on television and Japans military budget increasing.

  16. Akhhh, I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling that way. I’ve never thought much about Korean missiles, and there’s not much I can contribute other than mentioning that the South Koreans don’t seem to be panicking, but… yeah. Geopolitics (Myanmar, specifically) got deeply personal for me recently too, and I’ve had a ton of days where I’ve felt that powerless frustration, so solidarity.

  17. > I mean I understand the actions from N. Korea are motivated on vengeance due to what happened during cold war. I get it.

    Except that’s not what it is about. This is to prevent any attempt at “regime change” à la Libya or Iraq.

    The equation is simple: he who has nuclear bombs and means of delivering them is free from foreign military intervention.

    Basically, dear crazy leader is saying, anyone trying the same shit you did to Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein, and Tokyo is nuked. A few more years of rocket development and then it’s Los Angeles.

  18. Both sides make a show of their power, but usually our news just focuses on when they do it. They largely are on their own vs. numerous nations that have pretty good militaries. They are an exceptionally terrible regime, but they aren’t dumb and they don’t want to be invaded and overthrown. They know their missiles make people nervous, so they keep testing them. As for the direction they are tested, what other direction can they shoot them? Won’t help them to shoot them over Russia or China. Only other option is over Japan, which isn’t a supporter.

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