Taking part-time job during my last year before permanent residency (10 year route)

I’m currently at a well-paying (in the context of English teaching) and stable job at a private high school, though am feeling quite burnt out of where I am now (also somewhat bored). I have a potential opportunity for a part-time job at a university which would provide me with enough of a salary to get by (along with my other part-time job), and free up some time to pursue other things.

However, I am (likely) going to apply for permanent residency in mid 2023, and am wondering if switching to a PT job could possibly jeopardize that? I have a fairly significant amount of savings, and have been up-to-date with pension payments etc.

I realize it may be better to stay put, but tbh I’d rather move on than stay contracted until March 2024.


  1. You can either 1) continue as an ALT on instructor visa and get permission to engage in university part-time. Or 2) or two if your quit ALTing You’d need to change onto a professor visa for the university work and then apply for permission for whatever else part-time work you get to supplement.

    If (1) then it would probably help strengthen your PR application as more income. If (2) it would maybe weaken your PR application as non stable and non full time employment.

    Also obviously if (2) then you also run the risk of getting a 1 year professor visa and thus unable to apply for PR.

    So recommend advice is stay put and then apply for permission for university part-time should you desire: https://www.isa.go.jp/en/applications/guide/nyuukokukanri07_00045.html

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