Buying a non-toxic/natural fiber mattress in Tokyo?

I’m tasked with finding a bed for me and the missus so I did some /r/japanlife searching and came across a fairly recent post: [\_beds\_i\_can\_buy\_in\_japan/](

However, after seeing the reviews for some recommend mattresses complain about the smell, and me having a super sensitive nose – I looked into it and went down the rabbit hole.

From my digging: Polyester & Urethane = bad (because of toxicity)

Additionally, polyester also won’t last as long, not very good at cooling or warming, and pretty shitty for the environment. That said, my main issue is the toxicity. It seems like 90% of mattresses contain it Polyester. Urethane is more in memory-foam mattresses like GuGU.

Beds are typically made from Polyester because it’s cheap, and the bigger the budget, more likely natural fibers can be used. Though some people can be allergic to natural fibers, so Polyester becomes a more valid choice for them.

Now I’m not sure if I’m allergic to natural fibers or not, but would like to have a non-stinky non-toxic mattress. My Japanese isn’t so hot, so posting to know if anyone has the knowledge or experience to know where I can buy a mattress that fits my needs a bit?

I’d have waited for stupid questions thread, but I’m not sure when that is, also I don’t think it’s *too* stupid

Update: E.g. cotton, latex foam mattresses etc could be good alternative. Though compared to the west and from my lack of language ability I’m not coming up with many options here

**update 2**: Apparently i wasn’t too clear. Non smelly urethane, non-polyester, potentially organic alternatives. And looking for places i can buy and have delivered in Tokyo

  1. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘toxic’?

    Also latex is incredibly sweaty if you are a hot sleeper.

  2. Hard to understand what you want. You think polyester might smell or you are allergic to it? But you maybe allergic to natural fibres also? You are probably none of those .This is paralysis by analysis. Buy a mid-priced mattress with appropriate firmness and just get a hobby to keep yourself busy.

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