US Import Medication Question

Hey everyone!

Does anyone know if I can continue to import US medication into Japan by mail from family? Would I be able to continue filling out the Yakkan Shoumei and importing them that way?
edit: Sorry mixed up the old and new form, I meant the Yunyu Kakuninsho!

  1. japan no longer uses the yakkan shoumei form. instead, you will need to fill out a “yunyu kakuninsho” form. the us has restrictions on who exactly can send you prescriptions through mail, and iirc, only medical institutions such as a pharmacy or a doctor could send prescriptions by mail.

    i would try to bring about 3 months of your medication with you while you try to find a doctor in japan that could prescribe what you need. it’s definitely way easier that way and saves you money, stress, and time.

  2. Hello! So when I first got here my doctor only allowed me to bring 3 months of my medication, which I knew would be a problem because I need to take my medication for a year. To make a long story short, the easiest way to send medication via mail without it getting stuck in customs is by having your pharmacy ship out the package (which they can do and I was completely unaware of). I believe when my mother sent my medication it took about 2 or 3 weeks to get here as a heads up. If you have more questions, feel free to ask!

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