Trying to buy an iPhone 14 Pro Max in Okayama.

I’ve just moved to Japan for study about 1 months now and I brought with me an used 6S (bought solely for MySOS checking in at the airport, as my previous phone fell into the pool and died just 1 week before that).

As the title said, I’m trying to buy an iP14PM in Okayama but it’s out of stock everywhere I went :(. I tried YamadaDenki, BicCamera, AEON and even those carriers that sell you one for 20% mark up… If I order directly from Apple it will takes until December to get it; which is no good since my 6S has horrible battery and will die on me midday at best. Anyone know where can I get one and what’s been going on??? In my homecountry the new iPhone lineup is so readily available you can buy one at every corner of the country, didn’t expect the stock situation gonna be so bad here 🙁

Also please excuse my English if there are any mistakes.

  1. A mobile battery could tide you over in the meantime if the battery is the only actual issue.

  2. Why don’t you just order it at Apple Store? You don’t even have to go there… If you can physically go there, try to monitor early mornings, since there are incoming stocks every day.

  3. Do you already have a phone plan? It seems that Rakuten Mobile has stock in certain colors.
    But their services isn’t great

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