Is it safe to drink tap water in Tokyo?

I have been drinking tap water here since I came here a few months ago, however my new roommate says that the tap water here smells and tastes chloriney(no idea what that meant), now she buys water. Now I am a bit worried if it really is unsafe to drink tap water in Tokyo.

What do you guys do? Do you buy water everyday?

  1. I drink tap water but I bought a filter that attaches to the tap because I do think it tastes nasty without one. If you don’t mind the taste just keep doing what you’re doing.

  2. I use a simple Brita filter and it tastes fine to me.

    I do use a shower head filter as well, though, and have noticed less skin redness after showering. I was getting irritated on my face and neck a bit without one. So there is something in there (reportedly chlorine)

  3. The tap water would actually not be safe if it wasn’t smelling and tasting “chloriney”.

    Having your roommate and yourself educating yourselves how water are treated would definitely help you.

  4. I think all tap water here are tested to be drinkable by many, however if you have weak stomach them by bottled water then. Or maybe use filter that you could buy on amazon.

  5. Brita filter was a great buy – improves the taste. The water, as others have said, is 100% safe.

    Just don’t spit it out at strangers. That’s a no no here

  6. So you’re going to make decisions based on something your roommate says she smells? Is your nose nonfunctional? Are you unable to google the potablity of Tokyo’s water?

  7. Yes, of course.

    At least, my Geiger-Müller radiation detector says that it’s definitely not mutationy.

  8. It smells like chlorine because it’s used to clean the water. It’s perfectly safe but it will affect the taste, most large cities in the world have to do this to provide enough safe drinking water to its populace.

  9. I’ve been drinking Tokyo’s tap water for 15 years and I’m pretty sure I’m dead

  10. Yes, it’s safe to drink it, that is you won’t die instantly or get sick because of it, but it tastes rather bad. It also depends on a ward, but as a rule it’s far from being delicious.
    So yes, I just order bottled water for drinking.

  11. Buy a filter, it removes the smell/taste. Plastic leaks into the water when buying bottled water, not recommended either

  12. Unless you grew up with a deep well, you’ve been drinking “chloriney” water your whole life.

    If you don’t like the chlorine taste, fill a clean bottle or pitcher with tap water and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes. The chlorine dissipates. Or get a screw on filter.

    Bottled water is a huge waste of money. And I’d be more worried about the PET bottle leaching than filtered tap water.

  13. I wonder where your roommate is from? Perhaps she’s from a place they don’t have clean water.

  14. Never forget about the dead body that was discovered inside a water tank a few years ago …

  15. If you go from u/such_ana to sore_ana, you’ll know. But, I’m 99% sure you’ll be good.

  16. get a filter and drink it. it has better regulation than any bottled water will ever have.

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