Tokyo gov’t begins recognizing same-sex partnerships

Tokyo gov’t begins recognizing same-sex partnerships

  1. I am for it however I don’t think this is fully supported from society and done only because big brother wanted it. Overall it is not good to push others even for good things.

  2. I don’t believe it covers inheritance issues. Although in the right direction, it is unfortunately just a small step forward. It is 2022… they can do better.

    Would simple marriage equality at a national level be such a difficult thing?

  3. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 74%. (I’m a bot)
    > The Tokyo metropolitan government's revised ordinance recognizing the partnerships of sexual minorities took effect Tuesday, joining several other prefectural governments in equally treating sexual minority couples in administrative and other public services.

    > Despite the increase in the number of Japanese municipalities recognizing same-sex partnerships in recent years, Japan remains the only Group of Seven country not to do so at the national level.

    > Noting a ruling on another damages lawsuit slated to be handed down on Nov. 30 by the Tokyo District Court, Gon Matsunaka, also a member of Partnership Act for Tokyo, said, "With the new system, the Tokyo government has acknowledged same sex partnerships and it will have a tremendous impact on court decisions going forward.”

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~672679 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Tokyo**^#1 **Partnership**^#2 **government**^#3 **System**^#4 **sexual**^#5

  4. Last time I was in Japan (two years ago, so fairly recently), outside of major city centers, it was not uncommon for hotels to deny me and my mate a single room because we were both men.

    Im pretty sure this is also standard for just about every love hotel, they dont rent rooms to potentially homosexual male customers.

    Two women? Thats fine though, nothing sus about that.

  5. Koike: Can you see those two guys over there in sexy short shorts holding hands? I can tell that they’re romantically involved.

  6. It’s easier for a country like Japan in Asia to accept something like this because Christianity isn’t as prevalent versus let’s say Korea or Philippines.

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