Requesting an advance on your year end bonus

I work for a japanese company and I just started working here in July (so for 4 months). I’m out of the probation period, and my boss is very kind and understanding. I need an advance on my year end bonus because I’m moving out (had to do it quickly because the apartment i wanted had another renter lined up). Then I had a bunch of different payments come up suddenly for pension when I was out of work for a month, my residential tax, and so on and so forth.

I guess my question is, does anybody have any experience asking their Japanese boss for an advance on your bonus or salary? How did it go? Do you have any tips? Any advice would really help, I’m a huge bundle of nerves just thinking about it.

  1. Are you sure you even qualify for the end of year bonus this year? It varies by company but after only 4 months you might not.

    In any case, all you can do is ask. Some places will give you an advance, or a loan. Others will not.

  2. You might be able to request an advance on next months salary, but Ive never heard of that for bonuses. Mainly because of various tax implications for the company should they do it.

    Though no one on reddit will know. Best to just ask.

  3. I would phrase it as an advance on your salary because presuming your bonus might not go down as well, even if it’s a company where everyone pretty much gets the same amount/percentage of salary.

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