Best nigiri in tokyo?

Any recommendations for the best nigiri in tokyo?

  1. This is just as hard to answer as of what’s your favorite pizza or burger.


    First what’s your budget? This will make the whole difference, obviously

    Second are we talking strictly old-school nigiri, or are you looking for a new age style of nigiri?

  2. I assume you mean nigiri sushi.
    Since the budget is low to moderate, go straight to Sushi no Midori. They have excellent sushi and they don’t cost a fortune.

  3. Very difficult to answer. It also depends on your budget. Kyubei in Ginza is quite good, but I’d never go their on my own dime. I just don’t care to spend that much on sushi.

    Also, I’m probably going to sound like a snob here, but if you are entertaining or if you are used to Gatten (which btw is just fine) then a lot of people might miss the nuances of a higher end sushi place.

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